
My key-competencies are anchored in four complementary fields.

Intercultural communication
I studied intercultural relations and obtained my Masters in Portland, at the Intercultural Communication Institute, in partnership with Antioch University (Ohio). But it is by working with people from many different cultures that I started to better understand the challenges and beauties of mutual understanding across cultures.
Interreligious Dialog
The challenges of interreligious dialog have become clearer through my MAS studies at the Salzburg University, in partnership with Lassalle-Haus in Bad Schönbrunn and Romero Haus in Luzern.

Adult Education
In South Africa I met Anne Hope and Training for Transformation, a participatory training approach for community development. I was extremely privileged to work with Anne, one of the best specialists in this method. Training for Transformation influences my way of working with groups in deep ways.

It is also in South Africa that I discovered the concept of Ubuntu, embodied by Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu. In 1999 the famous Archbishop of Cape Town reminded all of us that «Umtu ungumtu ngabantu – I am human because you are human ». He invited us to put goodness and shared humanity at the core of our interactions. Ubuntu inspires the name of this site, and beyond it, my whole professional commitment..

The services of ubuntu communication are mostly connected to one or all of the above fields. They are offered to a large variety de clients, always tailor made, according to the client’s situation and needs.

« Die beiden Tage haben mich bis jetzt am meisten gefesselt. Zum Einen war es Véroniques Art, uns Wissen zu vermitteln, zum anderen die Methoden, die Nähe zu den Ländern, den Kulturen, Konfliktstrategien etc. Ich fühlte mich nah am Geschehen, Véronique schöpfte aus dem Leben, ihren Erfahrungen und Kompetenzen. Die zwei Tage waren toll! »

« Cours dynamique, participatif. Les exemples étaient précis et venaient du terrain, donc très utiles et représentatifs. Théorie et mise en pratique très bien balancées. »


I offer my services in Switzerland, in Europe, or elsewhere in the world.

Through my work, I had the privilege to serve

The Swiss administration, at a national, cantonal and municipal level

Training institutions, at a national or cantonal, academic or professional level

Organisations active in the field of integration

Organisations active in international development

Parishes and other religious institutions, that wish to develop their intercultural and interreligious dialogue

Corporations that want to improve the effiency of their multicultural teams by developing their intercultural competence

Providers in the field of health

ubuntu communication
Véronique Schoeffel
Riedmatte 18
CH-2576 Lüscherz / Switzerland
+41 79 462 54 93

© 2024 - ubuntu communication

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Marcel Kaufmann (1) / comundo
Jürgen Müller

ubuntu communication