"Alone you go fast. Together you go far."

ubuntu communication

F | E | D

Publications by Véronique Schoeffel


Fundamental Human Needs and Integration in another Culture (2019)

Direct and indirect communication (2017)

Looking at the opera from the back door - Intercultural communication from the point of view of waste management (2016)

Wenn veschiedene Kulturen zusammen wohnen, hat der Hauswart eine Schlüsselrolle (2015, Interview avec Astrid Bossert Meier pour Wohnen-Schweiz.ch)

The Wheel of Fundamental Human Needs (2013)

Johari’s Window- An Intercultural Perspective (2013)

Anfangs stiess ich oft mit jemandem zusammen, da ich schneller gehe Interview avec Ueli und Judith Gnehm, Sambia. (www.cinfo.ch, 2011)

Unsere Direktheit macht Menschen in anderen Kulturen Mühe Interview avec Isabelle von Arx, Wendekreis, (November 2011)

Dans d’autres cultures, notre franchise paraît souvent blessante – rapport annuel 2010 de cinfo (www.cinfo.ch, 2011),

Dancing across cultures – Dance, a metaphor for intercultural communication (2013)

Communication interculturelle dans la coopération internationale : la voix des partenaires sur place, pour le rapport annuel d’Unité (2010)

A cultural approach for HIV/AIDS related projects – The need for intercultural competency, pour Medicus Mundi, (2009)

Theses and chapters of books


How to facilitate meaningful interreligious dialogue : an exloration of potential contributions from intercultural communication theory (2014), Université de Salzburg

Intercultural Skills Needed by Facilitators of Reconciliation Processes with Specific Reference to Contexts of Post-Interethnic conflict (2004), Intercultural Communication Institute (Portland) et McGregor School of Antioch University (Ohio)

Chapters in various books

International Development dans The SAGE Encyclopedia of Intercultural Competence; Ed. Dr. Janet M. Bennett (2015)

Intercultural Communication in Africa dans The SAGE Encyclopedia of Intercultural Competence; Ed. Dr. Janet M. Bennett (2015)

Becoming a cultural mediator in Switzerland, dans « Training for Transformation in Practice », edited by Anne Hope and Sally Timmel (2014)

Kulturelle Metaphorik, dans « Lehrbuch Kultur » édité par Dietmar Treichel et Claude-Hélène Mayer (Waxmann, 2011)

Pedagogical material

Concierges – Actrices et acteurs clés du vivre ensemble (publié par le Bureau Lausannois pour les immigrés, mars 2015)

Nos histoires – Les expériences des partenaires locaux dans la CI (en collaboration avec Marcus Büzberger et Phyllis L. Thompson). Le document est publié à cinfo et peut y être acheté (www.cinfo.ch, 2012)

Communication interculturelle et coopération internationale (en collaboration avec Françoise Gariazzo-Dessiex). Publié sur le site de cinfo (www.cinfo.ch, 2011)

Méthodes participatives et compétence interculturelle (en collaboration avec Sylvie Roman, de BMI). Publié sur le site de cinfo (www.cinfo.ch, 2011)

Collaboration interculturelle/Interkulturelle Zusammenarbeit
Collection d’expériences | Sammlung von Erfahrungen. (en collaboration avec Ruedi Högger).Le document peut être acheté à cinfo (www.cinfo.ch, 2006)

Intercultural Communication in Contexts of Humanitarian Aid – Collection of Case Studies
(en collaboration avec Phyllis L. Thompson). Le document peut être acheté à cinfo (www.cinfo.ch, 2009)

Véronique Schoeffel

Véronique Schoeffel
I grew up in Alsace, a bilingual region of France. My childhood in that region taught me to navigate between two languages and to develop from early on a multicultural identity. Thus, studying at the School for Translation and Interpretation at the University in Geneva seemed a natural next-step.

The five years I spent in South Africa confronted me with the complexity of intercultural communication, and with the difficulty of understanding one another across cultures. I realized then that intercultural competence was a key to the sustainability of my work in international development. Back in Switzerland, I dedicated many years working with organisations active in the field of development, sensitizing them to the importance of intercultural competence in their work.

In the past few years, my field of work has expanded beyond international development. It now also reaches the fields of health, education, religious bodies, administration, and corporations.

I am deeply convinced that interreligious competence is not only a key to professional and economic success. It is, far more importantly, a contribution to peace in a world that needs it more than ever.